Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Deal With It
RUSH: As I mentioned yesterday, old-school environmentalist wackos are backing away from unpopular carbon taxes, but young progressives are not giving up.
RUSH: As I mentioned yesterday, old-school environmentalist wackos are backing away from unpopular carbon taxes, but young progressives are not giving up.
RUSH: He's got nothing to lose by shutting down the government, he's got nothing to lose by insisting on this wall, he's got nothing to lose playing hardball with these people.
RUSH: They expected Trump to be accepting and malleable and hoping to try to mend fences.
RUSH: It doesn't matter what the subject of the poll is. If they can get a poll that shows Trump at somewhere, 29 to 30%, they are gonna run it because that remains their objective.
RUSH: I want to give you a lesson in how the media protects and shields their chosen members.
RUSH: The Never Trumpers are livid at people like you and me because we're sticking with Trump.
RUSH: Reducing tariffs from 40% down to 15% is a big deal.
RUSH: I just watched a little bit of the hearing going on with the Google CEO being interrogated by members of Congress. It's a combination of frustrating and humorous.
RUSH: I love this. “I survived the government shutdown.” That's a great perspective on this.
RUSH: There's a whole Stack of Stuff here I want to get to. It's been accumulating uncommented on. And until I say something about it, there really hasn't been anything said.
RUSH: This feature is for Rush 24/7 members. We update it in real time with specific stories I talk about on the program. And then we add any that I run out of time for and hold over for the next excursion into broadcast excellence.