Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Broward Circus

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 7,2018

RUSH: I was sure she’s gone, but she’s not. The circus is still in town in Florida’s Broward County.

After she made a mess of the November midterm ballots, Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes announced she’d step down in January. But that wasn’t soon enough for the governor, Rick Scott. He suspended her, effective immediately. So, she got all ticked off and  “un-resigned.” Now Broward’s Democrats are pondering legal action to keep her around.

Now, in the midterms, 2,000 ballots went missing; Ms. Snipes’ office missed the state deadline to report the machine recount totals, and she opened provisional ballots that were not validated.

And this wasn’t Brenda’s first rodeo. There have been problems throughout her tenure, including in 2016 when ballots were illegally destroyed.

Yet when Governor Scott finally had enough and suspended her for “misfeasance, incompetence, and neglect of duty,” the Democrats went ballistic and accused him of being mean-spirited, cruel, and ruthless.

Never mind that Brenda Snipes stands to collect a hefty $130,000 pension, because she was an educator before becoming a Democrat election-fixer. Uh, election supervisor.

This woman taught? Pfft! Can you imagine what the people she taught know? The fact that she’s staying around, that’s even worse.