Rush 24/7 Morning Update: 41
RUSH: Over the weekend, you couldn’t miss the outpouring of kind words and affection for President George H.W. Bush.
RUSH: Over the weekend, you couldn’t miss the outpouring of kind words and affection for President George H.W. Bush.
RUSH: This weekend has been complete with people sharing their memories and remembrances of George H. W. Bush, and I have my own.
RUSH: The media is celebrating George H. W. Bush in a way they never did when he was alive.
RUSH: This thing goes back further than anybody knew, and it's deeper than anybody knew.
RUSH: I want to explain to you what this really is all about by going back to me on this program April 4th, 2018.
RUSH: There's no better Rush Revere book than the very first one: Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.
RUSH: I think what Hillary ought to do is call Robitussin and volunteer to be spokeswoman. Now, hear me out. She has to be rebranded
RUSH: They're protesting this carbon tax, which is exactly what the worldwide left wants to happen in the United States.
RUSH: George H. W. Bush knew why Perot was doing what he was doing and told me during my overnight at the White House.
RUSH: I have to tell you, I watched the McCain funeral, and I was a little surprised.
RUSH: It was Colin Powell who advised not to do it. Colin Powell! Ultimately, the call was George H. W. Bush’s.
RUSH: According to the Kavanaugh standard, he did it. He's guilty! He needs to leave astrophysics.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.