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RUSH: How many of you people have an iPhone? A lot of you do, I’m sure. How many of you use the AirDrop feature on your iPhone to send pictures to people? Like you’re at a friend’s house and everybody’s taking pictures, “Oh, send me that,” so you AirDrop it, how many of you use that feature?

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny south Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: Well, imagine yourself on a subway in New York City and an alert triggers on your iPhone. Somebody has just AirDropped you a photo, a nude photo of them, below the waist. This is happening in New York City, and so the Democrats are on the case here. The Democrats want to pass a law to make it illegal to send unwanted nude photos to strangers, and, if you do it and they catch you, they want to put you in jail for a year.

We’ve got to teach the people in the caravan how to do this so the Democrats will finally find something they’re doing against the law and want to put ’em in jail. I mean, this would be a good thing to do, go down to the caravan, give them iPhones, show them how to use the AirDrop feature, take pictures below the waist, and send ’em to people and alert the Democrats.

There are 42 members of the caravan who have been charged — well, they haven’t been charged. They’re not gonna be arrested. They’re not gonna be arrested for having committed crimes because the Trump administration does not want to be seen as separating families.

Anyway, greetings, folks, good to have you. Rush Limbaugh behind the Golden EIB Microphone. Open Line Friday. If you need to get stuff off your chest, like Geno yesterday, this is the day to do it. 800-282-2882 if you want to be on the program.

By the way, speaking of AirDrop, there is an easy way to make sure people you don’t know cannot send you things. You go into settings, AirDrop, and then select “contacts only.” And that means only people in your address book will be able to AirDrop you things. What will happen is you’ll get a request — if you set it up that way, you may not even get a request. If somebody that you don’t know, that you don’t have a contact card for in your address book tries to AirDrop you anything, it just won’t show up on your phone. You can also set it up to have to acknowledge the request rather than have your phone just automatically receive what somebody is AirDropping to you.

These things have been thought of well in advance by highly trained Apple engineers. And AirDrop is not the only feature that operates this way. You can set email up this way so you’ll only get alerts from people you’ve designated as VIPs, for example. There are all kinds of ways to make sure that whatever is happening on the subway system in New York does not happen to you. Ah, the American left.


RUSH: To the phones as promised. John in Indianapolis. I’m glad you waited, sir. You’re up next. Hello.

CALLER: Rush, Merry Christmas to all you, your family, your staff, ’cause they deserve their stockings stuffed because they have the coolest job ever. I listened to your opening at 12 o’clock. After the Pretenders song you went into the AirDrop thing with the photos. Right? And I thought instantly Carlos Danger, Anthony Weiner. What an embarrassment that must be to the Democrat Party.

RUSH: Not at all. The Democrats are not embarrassed by Weiner. They’re mad he got caught just like they’re not embarrassed by Clinton. They’re mad he got caught. I don’t know what the AirDrop thing has to with Carlos Danger, unless you want to think that Anthony Weiner was AirDropping pictures of himself on a New York subway. But there’s no allegation that he was among the subway riders doing that.

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