Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Democrat Dilemma

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 27,2018

RUSH: The election changed the makeup of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Republicans gained a seat, and Democrats lost one. Traditionally, the last member appointed gives up his or her seat.

That would be Democrat Senator Kamala Harris. But her liberal supporters say that’s unacceptable.

Brian Fallon, who used to be Hillary’s press secretary, says forcing Harris out would be unconscionable. She’s the committee’s only African-American woman, and she’s the best questioner Democrats have. Fallon threatened a backlash, so Chuck-You Schumer is trying to work out a deal to let her keep her seat.

Actually, there’s an obvious solution to this Democrat dilemma.

After Senator Harris, Senator Cory “Spartacus” Booker is the next “low man” on the committee’s totem pole, based on seniority. He can prove how much he cares about women, and he can have another “I am Spartacus” moment, by offering his seat to the woman,  Kamala Harris. Thing is, he wants to be president and so does she.

But that would solve the problem. And everybody would be happy! Except for the guy. Which is how it should be, right?

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