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RUSH: Kyrsten Sinema is the Arizona Democrat candidate for Senate, the seat being vacated by Jeff Flake. Actually he’s being vacated from it.

In 2003, while our military was fighting the Taliban, Ms. Sinema told an interviewer she had no problem with American citizens who wanted to join up with the enemy, with the Taliban.

Now other Sinema quotes are surfacing. In a 2006 interview, her target was stay-at-home moms. That’s right, the Democrat Party’s current candidate for Senate in Arizona accused stay-at-home mothers of “leeching off” their husbands by cashing their checks while pretending to be feminists. She used the “BS” word and the “F-bomb” to describe these moms’ attitude.

Once upon a time, openly rooting for America’s enemies, or calling American mothers “leeches,” would have been enough to disqualify anybody from running for the United States Senate. And the political party disavowing them.

But not today. Democrats are willing to do anything or put up with anybody for office they think can raise money and win a seat. That is how desperate for power they’ve become. The fact that they think this stuff is going to win is mind boggling to me.

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