Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Not Today
RUSH: Democrats are willing to do anything or put up anybody for office they think can raise money and win a seat. That is how desperate for power they’ve become.
RUSH: Democrats are willing to do anything or put up anybody for office they think can raise money and win a seat. That is how desperate for power they’ve become.
RUSH: That graphic has been on CNN 95% of the time today.
RUSH: It is all over the place and it is contradictory as it can be.
RUSH: They're claiming it was an accidental design and it had to be pulled.
RUSH: I think what they hate about Trump more than anything is those of you who elected him.
RUSH: What is more likely, that Trump colluded with Putin to influence the presidential election in 2016, or Democrats colluded with organizers of the invasion to influence this election?
RUSH: As soon as the American people were able to get past the idea that it was okay to vote against the interests of the first African-American president, then the country began its recovery.
RUSH: You remember the scene from Blazing Saddles? How about we do this.
RUSH: She is saying that subpoena power is a wonderful weapon to have in your quiver.
RUSH: The idea that you can't determine gender by genitalia is absurd!
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.