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RUSH: Now, we would have had the Kanye sound bites already, but Cookie wasn’t quite sure of a censoring issue. She had to wait ’til the segment ended to ask me. She said, “Look, Kanye says ‘balls.’ Do you…?” I said, “Yeah, leave it in. Let her rip!” Not gonna edit that stuff out. So we have that, we have that coming up.

RUSH: Judge Kavanaugh — Justice Kavanaugh — is already outraging the left. Los Angeles Times headline: “Kavanaugh Backs Trump Administration on Jailing and Deporting Immigrants for Crimes Committed Years Earlier.” They’re so ticked off! Kavanaugh is already doing Trump’s bidding! Trump is already making Kavanaugh be mean to sweet, little illegal alien gifts of love who just happen to have criminal convictions. This is the ACLU. “The ACLU is claiming the law that mandates all illegal aliens who commit crimes be deported be limited to one day after they’re released from jail. (laughing)

Kavanaugh says, “Screw that!”

I just… There’s this thing: Sweet justice.

“Kavanaugh Backs Trump Administration on Jailing and Deporting” Criminals! and, “Justice Kavanaugh Unlikely to Heed Calls for Recusal.” The left is demanding Kavanaugh recuse himself from everything because of the Blasey Ford situation and his sordid past, his drunkardness, his sexual abuse, all these… (laughing) It is desperation, when you get right down to it. And that goes with people who are suffering from psychological disorders and anxiety. I mean, take a what? Take a squirrel on an airplane as your emotional support animal?

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