Flashback: In October 2016, the Drive-Bys Declared the Election Over

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 10,2018

RUSH: I want to go back to 2016, to two years ago, two years exactly, October 10th and 11th. We have a montage here of people from ABC, CNN, PMSNBC, PBS, ABC, NBC talking about the election. October 10th, 2016, the election was over. Hillary in a landslide, Trump had no chance.

MATTHEW DOWD: (b-roll noise) Nobody has ever come back from this far down and won the presidential race.

JEFF ZELENY: (rally noise) An unprecedented implosion on the Republican side.

NICOLLE WALLACE: Hillary Clinton is most likely the next President. You know he’s going to lose.

JOHN HEILEMANN: He’s losing and probably has lost the election already.

CHARLIE ROSE: This is an un-winnable election by Donald Trump.

DONNY DEUTSCH: The election ended today.

JONATHAN KARL: This election’s already lost.

LESTER HOLT: The civil war in the Republican Party, a flood of GOP lawmakers abandoning their nominee.

CHUCK TODD: The worst may be yet to come with Trump. They may be staring at a total collapse of the party by Election Day.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH: The cumulative effect has finally caught up to him.

DAN SENOR: Hillary wins and wins big.

RUSH: You want to hear the names in there? The names are Matthew Dowd, who used to be a Bush adviser, who’s now just gone I don’t know where. He gone total left, total ABC, total off the reservation. Jeff Zeleny, who’s a Nebraska University graduate, and yet he end up in the left-wing Drive-By Media New York Times. Now he’s at CNN. It was Nicolle Wallace of the Bush communication shop who said, “Hillary Clinton is most likely the next president. You know he’s gonna lose.”

But this is right after the Access Hollywood video was released, by the way. It’s very close. John Heilemann. “He’s losing and probably has lost the election already.” Sexual harasser, Charlie Rose: “This is an unwinnable election by Donald Trump.” Jonathan Karl: “This election’s already lost.” Lester Holt of NBC: “The civil war in the Republican Party, a flood of GOP lawmakers abandoning their nominee.”

F. Chuck Todd of NBC: “The worst may be yet to come with Trump. They may be staring at a total collapse of the party.” We just saw that headline yesterday! At TheHill.com. The Republican House is in collapse! That’s the story that had the headline that if you didn’t know how to read it, you would think that 209 House seats are all of a sudden switching to the Democrat side! And that story predicted…

It didn’t predict; it said we are in the midst of a Republican collapse in the House! They do not change. Everything is so formulaic. They are so predictable and predictably wrong. They’re doing it all over again, and they’re doing it on the same basis, that everybody hates Trump. That whereas in 2016 it’s impossible, people are not gonna vote for this guy.

That has become people regret voting for this guy. They can’t believe they voted for this guy and they can’t wait to show up and apologize to America for voting for this guy; so they’re gonna do the only thing they can do and vote Democrat. They were wrong in 2016, some of them. As we mentioned earlier, this Bud Budowksy is warning that there’s a red alert out there, Democrats may not be looking at a red wave.

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