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RUSH: Have you ever heard, ladies and gentlemen, that the Clintons are going to start a massive stadium tour? Bill and Hilary want to get in on all this Trump action. Now, I’ve been wondering how long it was gonna be until somebody in the Democrat Party tried this. Trump’s rallies dating back to the 2016 campaign…

Do not doubt me on this, either.

The Democrats and the media publicly acted unconcerned, uninterested, and would always say a variation of, “You can’t judge voter interest on the basis of rallies! You can’t predict how people are gonna vote simply because of the size of crowds at political rallies! These Trump rallies are not telling us anything. It doesn’t mean anything. These are just rabid people upset with their lives, and they think Trump I’m gonna kick all the people out of the country they don’t like. It’s nothing. It’s not anywhere near representative of the population.”

This is what they all said at every Trump rally. Privately… Do not doubt me. Privately they were jealous as they could be, and they were seething because there’s not a one of them on the Democrat side who could come anywhere close to equaling that kind of excitement, that kind of loyalty, and those size crowds. Obama couldn’t do it. Not in 2016. Hillary couldn’t do it ever! But certainly not in 2016. She couldn’t draw flies to her book-signing ceremonies!

Hillary Clinton couldn’t draw a crowd anywhere! People knew she might not be able to stand up for a full 25 minutes without some aide coming out to prop her up by the elbows. But seriously, I guarantee you they were looking those crowds, they were looking at those Trump rallies, and they would never say so publicly, but they were scared to death by ’em. They would never say so publicly. They would never admit it publicly. They would say just the opposite.

But they’re human beings, and any time anybody in politics has that kind of popularity and that kind of loyalty, that equals jealousy and envy and anger and all things that attach to jealousy and envy. They hated Trump to begin with. And the fact that Trump was turning everything they believed in upside down, the fact that Trump was being able to accomplish things they couldn’t, just in terms of average Americans being interested in the campaign, interested in the candidacy.

And those rallies, 20,000, 15, 25,000, as many people lined up outside who couldn’t get in, wanted to get in. Trump with his airplane perfectly placed so that “Trump” in giant letters on the fuselage was behind him at every stop when he made his speech except for those events that took place inside actual arenas. So I’ve been wondering how long it’s gonna be before somebody on the Democrat side triest to get in on this action. And I always thought…

You know who I thought it would be that would make the first stab at trying it? Joe Biden. I really thought that Joe Biden would be the first guy to try to replicate this. Then I thought maybe Michelle (My Belle) Obama. But then I thought, “No, they’ve got too much to lose if it doesn’t work.” Maybe Kamala Harris. Maybe… But somebody’s gonna do this. Somebody’s got to try it. They’ve got to be able to show… The Democrats are thinking, they’ve gotta show that there’s as much excitement, as much loyalty, as much attention as Trump can draw.

Up ’til now, nobody on the Democrat side has even given it a prayer. Until the Clintons. The Daily Wire has the story: “Washington power couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton, announced Monday that they’re embarking on a nationwide ‘stadium tour,’ bringing their stage show to 13 cities this fall. ‘An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’…” That’s the actual title of the show.

It “will feature the pair sharing ‘stories and inspiring anecdotes that shaped their historic careers in public service, while also discussing issues of the day and looking toward the future…’ The tour, sponsored by Live Nation (which is also hosting a stadium tour for former First Lady Michelle Obama), begins in Las Vegas on Sunday, November 18 — after the midterm elections — and criss-crosses the country, ending in Los Angeles next April. Tickets go on sale Friday, October 12, but they aren’t cheap.

“If you want to see the Clintons’ ‘joint speaking tour’ at the Park Theater in Las Vegas, for example, the cheapest seats will run you just a little over $70 each. Where the pair are more in demand, like Boston, seats start at $120 and can cost as much as $745.50. The tour, oddly enough, will not make stops in Wisconsin, an interesting oversight given Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign plan also missed the state. Hillary will, however, finally visit Pennsylvania and Michigan.” I’m telling you what’s going on here.

They’re seething with jealousy. Bill and Hillary, on those rare moments when they’re home at the same time and together, they sit there, and they look at these Trump rallies… Don’t doubt me. They do. They look at ’em, they watch them, and they just sit there and they say to each other (impression), “Uh, I can’t believe it. I just…. Hillary, I can’t… I can’t. You know, I thought we were popular back in the 90s, and we couldn’t draw crowds like this if we’d ever tried to.

“We could have done that. Hell, we could have done it better than Trump’s. Can you believe this?” And they start talking about getting in on it and doing their own stadium tour. So they call Live Nation, which is a rock music promo agency and ticket seller and so forth. Does anybody think…? Including on the Democrat side, is anybody excited about this? (interruption) You think the Democrat Party’s excited? The Democrat Party…

Oh, folks, I am here to tell you this is the last thing they want is Hillary and Bill Clinton running around as the presumed front-runners for 2020, ’cause that’s what this is about. They don’t want the Clintons any more to be the face of this party. They just got through with this Kavanaugh business and now the Clintons are gonna head out there, Mr. and Mrs. Bimbo Eruption? I wonder if this show will feature James Carville running across the stage or through the audience trailing a hundred-dollar bill and asking any interested women to meet Bill backstage after the show.

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