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Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Oct 9, 2018


New York Times: Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N. 
Lindsey Graham has ‘zero interest’ in joining Trump’s Cabinet 
Fox News: President Trump apologizes to Brett Kavanaugh and his family at ceremonial swearing-in as Supreme Court justice 
Daily Wire: WATCH: Leftist Protesters FREAK OUT, Claw At Supreme Court Doors While Brett Kavanaugh Is Sworn In 
Washington Examiner: CNN poll: Trump’s approval rating spikes at conclusion of Kavanaugh confirmation fight 
Morgan Stanley: Belief in ‘American exceptionalism’ among global investors has never been higher 
Newsbusters: Study: Economic Boom Largely Ignored as TV’s Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative 
New York Times Live Polls 
Daily Wire: Bill & Hillary Clinton Launch A National ‘Stadium Tour’ 
Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Trump 51% Approval 
POLITICO race ratings: The GOP House is crumbling 
‘Law & Order: SVU’ Saves Nine-Year-Old Illegal Immigrant from Trump and Sex Traffickers 
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford nominated for Distinguished Alumna Award at UNC 
Huffington Post: Washington Post Reporter: ‘I Could Have Been Anita Hill’ 
Mollie Hemingway Tweet on Conservatives That Don’t Want to Spike the Ball 
New York Magazine: Poll: Majority of Americans Say Kavanaugh Shouldn’t Be on the Supreme Court 
Yahoo News: Alvin Kamara wears ‘Make Africa Home Again’ hat, Colin Kaepernick jersey in Saints locker room 
PJ Media: MN Special Ed Teacher Placed on Leave After ‘Kill Kavanaugh’ Tweet 
Fox News: Google exec slams GOP over Kavanaugh nomination: ‘F–k. You. All. To. Hell’ 
WSJ: Zuckerberg Faces Anger Over Facebook Executive’s Kavanaugh Support 
Breitbart News: Sarah Silverman Wishes for Trump to Be ‘Held Down’ and ‘Violated’ 
Weekly Standard: Kavanaugh Conservatives vs. Booker Democrats — Christopher Caldwell
New York Times: Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N.
Lindsey Graham has ‘zero interest’ in joining Trump’s Cabinet
Fox News: President Trump apologizes to Brett Kavanaugh and his family at ceremonial swearing-in as Supreme Court justice
Daily Wire: WATCH: Leftist Protesters FREAK OUT, Claw At Supreme Court Doors While Brett Kavanaugh Is Sworn In
Washington Examiner: CNN poll: Trump’s approval rating spikes at conclusion of Kavanaugh confirmation fight
Morgan Stanley: Belief in ‘American exceptionalism’ among global investors has never been higher
Newsbusters: Study: Economic Boom Largely Ignored as TV’s Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative
New York Times Live Polls
Daily Wire: Bill & Hillary Clinton Launch A National ‘Stadium Tour’
Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Trump 51% Approval
POLITICO race ratings: The GOP House is crumbling
‘Law & Order: SVU’ Saves Nine-Year-Old Illegal Immigrant from Trump and Sex Traffickers
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford nominated for Distinguished Alumna Award at UNC
Huffington Post: Washington Post Reporter: ‘I Could Have Been Anita Hill’ ‘’
Mollie Hemingway Tweet on Conservatives That Don’t Want to Spike the Ball
New York Magazine: Poll: Majority of Americans Say Kavanaugh Shouldn’t Be on the Supreme Court
Yahoo News: Alvin Kamara wears ‘Make Africa Home Again’ hat, Colin Kaepernick jersey in Saints locker room
PJ Media: MN Special Ed Teacher Placed on Leave After ‘Kill Kavanaugh’ Tweet
Fox News: Google exec slams GOP over Kavanaugh nomination: ‘F–k. You. All. To. Hell’
WSJ: Zuckerberg Faces Anger Over Facebook Executive’s Kavanaugh Support
Breitbart News: Sarah Silverman Wishes for Trump to Be ‘Held Down’ and ‘Violated’
Weekly Standard: Kavanaugh Conservatives vs. Booker Democrats — Christopher Caldwell
Viewpoint: Every Single Thing is Now Different: The Kavanaugh Moment Is Not Done. It Is Just Beginning.
Washington Post: ‘An angry mob’: Republicans work to recast Democratic protests as out-of-control anarchy


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:





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