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RUSH: Donald Trump — and, by the way, a lot of people think Susan Collins was the turning point. No. Susan Collins was not the turning point. Susan Collins’ speech didn’t change any votes, but she did something far more important. The votes were already cast by the time she gave her speech on Friday afternoon. She did something far more important than that, which we’ll discuss as the program unfolds.

Now, what turned this was Trump. Trump in his rally where he was accused of “mocking” Dr. Ford. He didn’t mock Dr. Ford. He didn’t imitate her. He didn’t make fun of her. He simply repeated the truth of her testimony! She doesn’t know who, what, when, where, why, she doesn’t know how, she doesn’t know when, she didn’t know where it happened, what floor, second floor, what room, she didn’t know any of that. The reason that was important is because nobody that reads the Drive-By Media knew any of that.

In the hearings, Christine Ford’s assertions were not challenged. So in the broad-based media coverage of the hearings, the fallacies and the unprovable allegations in her testimony were never brought up. So the average Joe Blow out there never knew that she couldn’t identify where with it happened, when it happened, how she got home, who took her home, what happened afterwards. She couldn’t even identify the year or the month.

They didn’t know this. They didn’t know that everybody she placed in the room failed to corroborate what she said. The average Joe Blow reading the average Drive-By Media didn’t know that until Donald Trump pointed it out. That was the turning point, and that’s why the media turned on Trump for this for mocking her because Trump gave up the ghost. Trump spilled the beans on what they were trying to hide in the rest of the Drive-By Media. And it was a turning point for public opinion. Make no mistake about that.


RUSH: Donald Trump was on with Judge Jeanine Saturday night after his rally, and she asked him why he did that — why did he call out the fallacy of her testimony — and this is what the president said…

THE PRESIDENT: There were a lot of things happening that weren’t correct, they weren’t true, and there are a lot of things that were left unsaid. And I thought I had to even the playing field, ’cause it was very unfair to Judge — now I can, you know, very nicely say Justice — Kavanaugh. It was a very unfair situation. So I evened the playing field. Once I did that, it started to sail through. He was treated very, very unfairly.

RUSH: This is exactly what any prosecutor would do and what fearless Republicans would have done during the hearings!

“How’d you get home?”

“I don’t remember.”

“Well, how did you get to the house?”

“I don’t remember.”

“Well, where was the place that this happened to you?”

“I don’t remember.”

“How many years ago was it?”

“I don’t know.”

“What year did it happen?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, what neighborhood was it in?”

“Uh, I don’t know.”

“Where’s the house?”

“I don’t know.”

“Upstairs, downstairs? Where was it?”

“I don’t know. But I had one beer!”

She remembered everything about that. She had one beer. All Trump did was tell the nation her answers to the seminal questions of the event. She couldn’t answer anything, and the four people she said were there all denied it. The mainstream media had reported none of that. Trump did it, and that was the turning point, folks. Do not doubt me.

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