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RUSH: Booker, he’s running for president — you know, Spartacus — and he knows he’s got some stiff competition from Kamala Harris. You know, which one of them’s gonna behave the most psychologically disordered is gonna be the order of the day. So he’s decided — Cory Booker decided — he can no longer be part of the process where she not gonna be believed, where women are abused routinely in this country and men don’t care about it. So he respects Grassley, and he respects everything, but he can’t respect this process.

He cannot sit there. He can’t stomach this anymore with her not being believed, and he walked out of there after finishing what he said. Now, he’s campaigning for the Democrat nomination in 2020, and Kamala Harris pulled the same stunt earlier. She left. She left much sooner than Booker. Booker hung around to say something, and then he walked out. Kamala Harris walked out within 10 minutes of the proceedings beginning.

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