Christine Blasey Ford, Without Evidence, Accuses Brett Kavanaugh of Attempted Rape

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 18,2018

RUSH: Now, I don’t know… I’ve pointed this out to you frequently when it happens. There’s a new phenomenon happening in American journalism. When I say new, it’s new to Donald Trump. Trump will tweet something. Trump will say something either at a rally or in the Oval Office. When the AP, Reuters, New York Times, Washington Post report it, they all say, “President Trump, without evidence,” said whatever he said. “President Trump said, without evidence…” This is meant to cast doubt and aspersions on what Trump is saying, to make readers believe Trump is lying.

Well, why isn’t this part of the story? “Christine Blasey Ford, without evidence, says that Judge Kavanaugh did whatever she says he did back when they were a couple of drunkards in high school.” You’ll notice it’s very selective. “Donald Trump, without evidence, claimed,” blah, blah, blah. Donald Trump without evidence today said that Hispanic unemployment is at an all-time record low. Didn’t need evidence, but he did have it. Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers. But we do not see, Christine Blasey Ford, without evidence…

No, it says the exact opposite. Christine Blasey Ford and whatever she says you must believe it. You must believe it. It’s not up to her to corroborate anything. How the hell can that be, by the way? If the government or anybody comes after you and you end up in court, do you realize who has to prove it? The people accusing you! It is not up to you to prove your innocence. Now, many times, depending on juries and so forth, that’s what defense lawyers seek to do, find an alternative explanation.

But it’s the government’s job — the prosecutors, the accusers — to prove. But how does she get an exemption? How does Christine Blasey Ford get an exemption from having to prove her claim? Well, because she’s Democrat and a leftist and that’s just the way the world works for us. We don’t have to prove anything. We’re liberals, and the way we do and think is the natural order of things and you just better accept it or else. We don’t have to prove anything, especially to you, conservative skunks! Screw you! That’s their attitude. And, in the process, look what they’re doing about the rule of law in addition to everything else they’re ripping apart.


RUSH: Now it’s up to 200 — 200! — former female classmates of Kavanaugh who have signed a letter praising his character. How many of you guys know 200 women, period, much less 200 that would swear by the fact that you’re a nice guy, that you are morally fit? How many of you know 200 women that would say that about you? (interruption) No, no, no. I’m not saying I don’t believe it. I’m saying it’s astounding. I do believe it! I absolutely do believe it! That’s the point.

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