Breaking News: CNN Calls the Election for Democrats!

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 13,2018

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, CNN has called the election! The November election, CNN just called it. Here is John King, CNN info guy.

KING: A brand-new poll out today, as we approach 50 days to the midterm elections, to show it is now increasingly likely the Democrats will take control of the House. What are the numbers to back that up? This. The first time we’re using likely voters in our CNN polling. A 10-point advantage for the Democrats when voters are asked which party do you want to run the Congress? Which party will you vote for come November? 52 to 42, the Democrats with a 10-point edge among likely voters. Likely voters tend to move Republicans’ way. Not in this poll. A 10-point edge for the Democrats here. If this is the case on Election Day, the math tells you Democrats will take back the House.

RUSH: So there you have it, CNN just called the November midterm election, House of Representatives for the Democrats. There’s no need for anybody to vote now, CNN’s already called the election, particularly you people, the Democrats, you’re not needed, it’s over, and it’s just a matter of time before you’re running the House of Representatives.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

RUSH: Breaking news, ladies and gentlemen! Again, sound bite No. 26. CNN has just called the election. We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this election update. That’d be sound bite 26 in 3…2…1…

KING: A brand-new poll out today as we approach 50 days to the midterm elections to show it is now increasingly likely the Democrats will take control of the House. What are the numbers to back that up? This! The first time we’re using likely voters in our CNN polling. A 10-point advantage for the Democrats when voters are asked which party do you want to run Congress, which party will you vote for come November? Fifty-two to 42, the Democrats with a 10-point edge among likely voters. Likely voters tend to move Republicans’ way. Not in this poll. A 10-point edge for the Democrats here! If this is the case on Election Day, the math tells you Democrats will take back the House.

RUSH: And that’s it. CNN has effectively called the election on the basis of the latest generic poll for the first time featuring likely voters. You heard John King at CNN say likely voters tend to go Republican late in the game, but not in their poll. Although I don’t know if we’re “late in the game” here on September 13th when the election is in November, but nevertheless, there you have it, breaking news from CNN. The election in November has been called by the political department over at CNN. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


RUSH: Also grab audio sound bite number 26. Breaking news. CNN has declared the election winner in November.

KING: A brand-new poll out today as we approach 50 days to the midterm elections to show it is now increasingly likely the Democrats will take control of the House. What are the numbers to back that up? This. The first time we’re using likely voters in our CNN polling. A 10-point advantage for the Democrats when voters are asked which party do you want to run the Congress, which party will you vote for come November? Fifty-two to 42, the Democrats with a 10-point edge among likely voters. Likely voters tend to move Republicans’ way. Not in this poll. A 10-point edge for the Democrats here. If this is the case on Election Day, the math tells you Democrats will take back the House.

RUSH: There you have it. CNN is declaring the Democrats the winner and the new champions of the House of Representatives in the election coming up, the elections coming up in November; so it’s over because of a preelection poll showing the Republicans don’t have a chance. So for all intents and purposes the Democrats have taken back the House of Representatives. And this means that you Democrats really don’t even need to vote now. I mean, it’s done. CNN with the breaking news.

This actually happened about an hour ago, but we continue to inform people, acknowledging the tune-in factor here is frequent and large. So CNN has declared the November election for the House of Representatives for the Democrat Party.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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