Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 27,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Aug 27, 2018


“One of the reasons there’s reverence for McCain is the opportunity it provides to continue to savage Donald Trump, to continue to rip Donald Trump by setting up these comparisons between Trump and McCain and showing Trump coming up short on virtually every measure the Drive-Bys make.”

“To add insult to injury for the Trump haters in the Drive-By Media, the stock market had a brand-new record high today of 26,000 and NASDAQ hit 8,000 for the first time ever on the news that we have a renegotiated NAFTA trade deal with Mexico.”

“I am Rush Limbaugh, your guiding light through times of trouble, confusion, murkiness, tumult, hypocrisy, and even the good times.”

“A sizable number of Americans do not trust the media anymore. They do not trust polling data anymore.”

“Speaking of which, the Democrats have a new policy. Their new policy is to not talk about impeachment. Once again, the Democrats want to hide from voters their real intentions.”

National Review: Remembering John McCain
AP: Flags at White House Back at Full Staff After McCain’s Death
NewsBusters: NYT Salutes John McCain, But 2008 Campaign Coverage Was Classless
Politico: John Lewis, Invoking George Wallace, says McCain and Palin ‘Playing with Fire’ – 10.11.08
NBC News / WSJ Poll: Trump Approval ‘Remarkably Stable’ After a Stormy Week of Bad News
FOXNews: Trump Says He’s ‘Terminating’ NAFTA, Announces New Trade Agreement with Mexico
FOXNews: Florida Law Enforcement: 15 People Shot, Four Dead — 11 Being Treated in Deadly Mass Shooting
GateWayPundit: Jacksonville Shooter Was Member of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ – Referred to Trump Supporters at “Trumptards” – Murdered 4 People
Chicago Sun-Times: 28 Shot in Chicago Since Friday Evening
AFP: Pope Silent on Claim He Ignored Abuse
New York Times: Pope Francis Long Knew of Cardinal’s Abuse and Must Resign, Archbishop Says
New York Times: Pope Tells Oil Executives to Act on Climate: ‘There Is No Time to Lose’-Jun 9, 2018
Washington Examiner: Lanny Davis: I Have No Idea If That Story I Confirmed About the Trump Tower Meeting is True or Not
Daily Caller: Flashback: Lanny Davis Touted Steele Dossier, Said Michael Cohen Was In Prague
Daily Caller: CNN ‘Stands By’ Refuted Report On Trump Tower
Bloomberg: Democrats Aren’t Talking Trump Impeachment But Are Vowing Probes
Washington Times: Rep. Eric Swalwell: Democrats Shouldn’t ‘Lead with Impeachment’
FOXNews: Dershowitz: ‘Greatest Risk’ to Trump Is From NY Prosecutors, Not Mueller Probe
FOXNews: The Politics of the Michael Cohen Investigation
Bloomberg: The Prosecutors Who Have Declared War on the President
Washington Post: Aide Helped Controversial Russian Meet McCain – 01.25.08
BLP: New York Governor Pardons Sex Offenders So They Can Vote
Circa: Here’s the Russia Influence Controversy that John McCain Doesn’t Want You to Know About – 07.21.17


Things I meant to get to at some point, but there’s never enough time.

“If everybody hates Trump — if everybody voted for Trump realizes they made a big mistake, if everybody is embarrassed by what they did — then why is campaigning on impeaching Trump gonna be harmful?”


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: