Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“So, you see, what Trump is saying about Jeff Sessions, why, that is doing lasting damage to the justice system. Well, what about what all of these people are saying about the 2016 and 2018 elections? You want to talk about damaging a system, how about the damage to our electoral system done by these people? And they’re not finished!”
“You want to talk about damaging electoral systems? Donald Trump’s words about Jeff Sessions and the DOJ are doing nothing compared to what actual people in the FBI and the DOJ have already done to it.”
“Jeff Sessions looks at the law and the Department of Justice as sacrosanct. He kind of reminds me of my grandfather in a way, who had such reverence for the law that he would not do or tolerate anything that tainted it.”
“The Democrat Party is being pulled and torn apart in I can’t tell you how many directions and how many ways, and it’s largely because of this new craving of socialism that some of the young ones have, and this constant demanding for talking about impeachment.”
“There is no evidence that anyone indicted has changed a single vote. There is no evidence or allegation in these indictments that the outcome of any election has been altered. That is truth, truth announced by Rosenstein, the people who impaneled Robert Mueller to go find evidence that Trump colluded.”
• National Review: Immunity Agreements for AMI Execs Aimed to Shore Up Case against Michael Cohen – Andrew McCarthy
• Wall Street Journal: Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe
• New York Times: Trump Organization Could Face Criminal Charges From Manhattan D.A.
• The Hill: Spiro Agnew Lawyer: Trump Should Resign to Keep Mueller from Prosecuting His Family
• WND: Do Democrats Want an Impeachment Fight? – Patrick Buchanan
• American Greatness: Trump Has Already Won on Impeachment- Conrad Black
• Breitbart: Donald Trump Continues Taunting Jeff Sessions for ‘Double Standard’
• Washington Post: Critics Fear Trump’s Attacks are Doing Lasting Damage to the Justice System
• BuzzFeed: Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting To Prepare A 2018 Election Strategy
• PJMedia: Facebook Censors Articles from Conservative Outlets About Manafort, Cohen
• Politico: Eric Holder: ‘I’m Still the President’s Wingman’ – 04.04.13
• McClatchy Washington Bureau: Dem Donors Ditch DNC: Least Midterm Cash in a Decade
• Daily Wire: HuffPo Details ‘What It’s Like To Get Your Period When You’re Not A Woman’
• USA Today: Miami Hurricanes Will Wear Uniforms and Cleats Made from Ocean Garbage
• Breitbart: David Horowitz: Visa, Mastercard Cut Off Payments to My Think Tank Based on SPLC ‘Hate Group’ Label
• Wall Street Journal: When Justice Is Partial. Mueller is Determined to Sniff Out Any Wrongdoing He Can Find—On One Side – Kimberley A. Strassel
• National Review: Corporate Gun Control Might Be the Worst Threat to Gun Rights
• CBS: Republican Troy Balderson Officially Wins Ohio Special Election
• FOXNews: Former Clinton Adviser: Cohen Plea Deal Is an Attempt to Set Up Trump
• Daily Wire: Former Clinton Strategist: ‘Cohen’s Plea Deal Is Prosecutor’s Attempt To Set Up Trump’
• FOXNews: Ohio GOP State Sen. Troy Balderson Wins US House Special Election
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: