Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Poop Patrol
RUSH: The average San Francisco Human Poop Patroller will earn $185,000 a year — $71,000 in salary, the rest in benefits.
RUSH: The average San Francisco Human Poop Patroller will earn $185,000 a year — $71,000 in salary, the rest in benefits.
RUSH: I'm not gonna stop playing this, folks, because it's all right there.
RUSH: I don't think we're there. I just think that it's possible that's where they want to take it.
RUSH: When they turn a lot of this over to the state of New York, that changes everything.
RUSH: He's been writing some very, very smart stuff on the special counsel attacks, investigation of Trump.
RUSH: Now, Shannon Bream on Fox had one of the jurors, and she was a Trumpist.
RUSH: The American left and the Democrats are now all hailing Jeff Sessions as a great guy.
RUSH: This is why they are not to be made accommodations. They are to be defeated!
RUSH: In the Horowitz case, they were making it impossible for people to donate to that charity simply because it’s conservative.
RUSH: You go to a lending institution, and you have anything to do with guns, they'll refuse you.
RUSH: I’m still maintaining my Stack of Stuff here chronicling the descent into madness and insanity of the American left.
RUSH: Troy Balderson is now the official winner in Ohio of the U.S. House special election.
RUSH: A call just came in over the transom there, folks.
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.