Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“What we really have here is one of the most blatant, visible, frontal attacks on the United States Constitution I have ever seen.”
“The ongoing effort to drive Donald Trump out of office intensifies each and every day. And there are so many different spokes in that wheel. And they are triggered and activated every day.”
“There is a political party, the mainstream media and the Washington establishment — which are really all the same — who are cheering the concept of a fourth super branch of government called the special counsel, who sits in daily judgment of the president of the United States.”
“The people that voted for Trump are never going to abandon him. I don’t care what Mueller does. I don’t care what the media does. They’re never gonna abandon him. You know why? They elected him knowing who he is. And in many cases, they admire who he is. He is the one person standing in the way of them losing their country. In their minds, that’s what’s at stake.”
“Until two years ago, the NFL required that the anthem be done and over with before network coverage began. Major League Baseball, ditto! It wasn’t until the players began to protest America that the networks began to salivate and started televising it!”
“Trump won the presidency. There was nothing illegitimate about Trump’s win. The Russians had nothing to do with it. The Russians had no impact.”
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visited a business her policies have destroyed, a restaurant where she used to work that closed because of mandatory minimum wage increases. How do you not notice this?”
“I could believe that nearly half of Americans don’t even know there’s been a significant tax cut. You see about it on the news much? You hear about it on the news? Are Republicans running for reelection on the basis of it? Do you see it much? No.”
• New York Post: Why Trump’s Supporters Won’t Care About Cohen and Manafort’s Convictions – Salena Zito
• Politico: Cohen’s Admission Doesn’t Mean Trump is Guilty, Legal Experts Say
• Townhall: Where Are the Crimes? – Derek Hunter
• Axios: Exclusive: Michael Cohen told Congress he doesn’t know if Trump knew about Russia meeting
• National Review: What to Make of the Cohen Plea and Manafort Convictions – Andrew McCarty
• FOXNews: Manafort Juror Reveals Lone Holdout Prevented Mueller Team From Winning Conviction On All Counts
Townhall: Dershowitz: Saying Cohen’s Plea Makes Trump an ‘Unindicted Co-Conspirator’ Is ‘Just Wrong’
• RealClearPolitics: Lanny Davis: “So-Called Dossier” False, Cohen Was Never In Prague
• NewsBusters: Media Silent as South Africa Seizes Land from White Farmers
• Huffington Post: Donald Trump Sparks Outrage By Tweeting White Nationalist Talking Point
• CNSNews: Trump Says He’s Told Pompeo to ‘Closely Study’ Land Expropriation, Farm Murders in South Africa
• South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms
• UK Express: South Africa Farm Seizures Begin: Chaos as First Expropriation of White-Owned Farms Starts
• CBS News: South Africa Hits Back at Trump Over Land Seizure Tweet
• Daily Caller: CNN And MSNBC Say ‘Impeachment’ Over 200 Times In Just One Day
• 9to5Mac: 2018 Elections Cannot Be Saved From Foreign Interference, Says Former Facebook Security Head
• CNBC: National Enquirer Boss and Longtime Trump Friend David Pecker Gets Federal Immunity in Michael Cohen Case
• FOXNews: Dershowitz: Trump Did Not Commit a Crime If He Paid Women Out of His Own Pocket. Challenges Lanny Davis to On-Air Debate
• Washington Times: South Africa Plan to Seize White-Owned Farms Could Destroy Its Economy, Analysts Warn
• Reason: Higher Minimum Wages Blamed for Closure of Iconic NYC Coffee Shop Where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Worked
• National Review: Corporate Gun Control Might Be the Worst Threat to Gun Rights
• Daily Wire: Trump: ‘Flipping’ To Get A Plea Deal ‘Almost Ought To Be Illegal’
• CNBC: US Jobless Claims Fall as Labor Market Holds Firm Despite Trade Tensions
• FOXBusiness: US Jobless Claims Fall, Point to Labor Market Strength
• CNBC: Target CEO Raves About the State of the Economy: This is the Best Consumer Environment ‘I’ve Seen in My Career’
• Daily Wire: Ocasio-Cortez Claims Global Warming Is Killing Americans, Gov Allowing It
• HotAir: Symone Sanders: Toxic Masculinity Killed Mollie Tibbetts
• CNSNews: 52.1% of Kids Live in Households Getting Means-Tested Government Assistance
• The Hill: Seventy Percent of Americans Support ‘Medicare for all’ in New Poll
• The Hill: Fox News Poll: ObamaCare More Popular than GOP Tax Law
• Daily Wire: Sessions Fires Back At Trump: ‘While I Am Attorney General,’ Investigations Won’t Be Politicized
• Washington Times: Kirsten Gillibrand: Brett Kavanaugh Undermines Women’s Ability ‘to Survive’
• USA Today: How CBS, Fox and NBC Plan to Handle the National Anthem During NFL Broadcasts in 2018
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: