Don’t Get Lost in the Minutiae of the Leftist Coup
RUSH: The ongoing effort to drive Donald Trump out of office intensifies each and every day. There are so many different spokes in that wheel.
RUSH: The ongoing effort to drive Donald Trump out of office intensifies each and every day. There are so many different spokes in that wheel.
RUSH: Cohen has more financial problems than you can conceive of, and they're letting him out for saying what they wanted him to say about Trump.
RUSH: The U.K. Express: "South Africa Farm Seizures Begin." That's not even a conservative publication, much less white supremacist!
RUSH: Can we say, "El Rushbo nails it again"?
RUSH: They've got Pecker here proverbially by the shorts.
RUSH: How do you not notice this?
RUSH: I don't know how to categorize or describe this, what this is, other than to lay it out.
RUSH: Until two years ago, they never televised the national anthem.
RUSH: Are you confident that the Trump coalition's gonna hold together and hang together?
RUSH: He should just tell people how great things are.
RUSH: While it is happening right under his nose and he recused himself from it!
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: Obviously, these striking inmates want to make the prison experience great again.