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RUSH: On July 18th, Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old University of Iowa student, went for a run. She was never seen alive again.

On Tuesday, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, was charged with Mollie’s murder. If convicted, he faces life in prison. Rivera claims he “blacked out” during the abduction and murder.

Now the same leftist pundits who go wall-to-wall on gun control after school shootings demand that we not “politicize” this case. They’re calling it an unfortunate, isolated incident.

The same leftist cable networks that organize town halls to exploit traumatized school-shooting survivors, blame the NRA, and humiliate politicians they don’t like won’t find any room in their broadcast schedules to air a town hall for Mollie.

And the same elected Democrats who brazenly support open borders and sanctuary cities, and who advocate endlessly for “DREAMers”? Well, they won’t say one word about Mollie Tibbets’ dreams, which were so brutally, and needlessly, wiped out. To them, she’s just “some girl in Iowa that Fox News is obsessed with.” That’s what they say.

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