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RUSH: Now, a couple of housecleaning things. Mark Levin had some very nice things to say, guested on Hannity last night. I wish I had time to acknowledge everybody who has had very nice complimentary things to say about me and the program this week, specifically since Wednesday.

My brother wrote a column that — I have to tell you it’s great, even though it’s about me and there’s no ego here. It’s structured brilliantly. It packs more information — it reads like a chapter of a book. So we’ve linked to that at Rushlimbaugh.com.

And again one more reminder that we’re running a special little deal here at the Rushlimbaugh.com store on our website. Anybody who purchases an item from the store from now until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time Sunday will be automatically entered to win a four-day/three-night trip to anywhere in the country you choose to go, the Continental U.S. on dates you pick. We’re not picking dates that you wouldn’t want to go anywhere.

You pick the dates. You pick the place. You and a spouse. You and a friend, all the rules are at Rushlimbaugh.com. The website right there. And find the store tab. We’ve got brand new merchandise in there that is state-of-the-art for the price point and all that. Thank you for everything here this week, folks, we’ve had a great time. I guess one more thing to wrap up when we get back and we’ll do it.


RUSH: I wanted to issue a special thanks to the — I call them the highly overrated staff, they may be, but they’re incredibly valuable. They’re incredibly loyal. They are incredibly committed. And they are exceptionally, exceptionally devoted, and none of this could happen without them.

So that’s how I wanted to wrap it all up, mention them last.

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