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RUSH: On Tuesday, 40-year-old Georgia Supreme Court Justice Britt Grant was confirmed as a judge on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. She once clerked for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who is Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

President Trump has now appointed 24 federal circuit judges, more than any other president at this time in his term. In fact, one out of every seven sitting circuit judges was appointed by Donald Trump.

The New York Times, though? They’re not happy. They worry that President Trump is leaving an “indelible” conservative stamp on the judiciary. They complain his impact is just beginning. (chuckles) That’s right on. That’s exactly right.

After all, Trump’s appointees are young. Many will work their way to the Federal appeals courts, and will move those powerful courts to the right.

The left is in agony. That’s why it’s so heartwarming!

President Trump deserves credit, and so does Senator Mitch McConnell, who has been a pit bull getting these justices confirmed. But someone else deserves credit.

Do you know who?

Dingy Harry!

If Democrat Dingy Harry Reid hadn’t changed the old rules of the Senate to get Obama’s judges confirmed, then none of this would likely be happening.

Talk about poetic justice? The Democrats make a move and it comes back to bite them in the you know where — and we can all smile about it.

I know I am!

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