Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Poetic Justice
RUSH: If Democrat Dingy Harry Reid hadn’t changed the old rules of the Senate to get Obama’s judges confirmed, then none of this would likely be happening.
RUSH: If Democrat Dingy Harry Reid hadn’t changed the old rules of the Senate to get Obama’s judges confirmed, then none of this would likely be happening.
RUSH: This was the first time he's appeared on the program. He appears on the program and bammo! He jumps up three points.
RUSH: I haven't reached a point where I believe any of the polling or I believe any of the wishful thinking on the part of people who want the Democrats to retake the House.
RUSH: Do not misunderstand me. I'm not being critical of Ivanka.
RUSH: It's a growing problem, just the general stupidity of people. That is the result of our education system.
RUSH: She's got tweets all over the Twittersphere that chronicle her literal hatred for "white people."
RUSH: A mobile app to connect transwomen and a 'sex-positive' app that creates 'hooking up simulations' for black gay teenagers.
RUSH: I've never had all that stuff ever said about me or this program, and it just was over-the-top exceptionally well-done.
RUSH: This woman is great. She is fearless. She's unintimidatable, if that's a word.
RUSH: You want to talk about being on the cutting edge of societal evolution?
RUSH: They've got their tried-and-true traditional practices of infecting the minds of the jury, which the judge seems to be riding herd on.
RUSH: I'm going to tell you what's happening there better than if you're watching it yourself.
CALLER: The media can be harsh and draw a doubt. I thought, "Maybe we are all white men like me."
RUSH: The head football coach, Urban Meyer, has been put on paid leave.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.