America’s Real Anchorman Brings You the News

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 1,2018

RUSH: We’re gonna start in Columbus, Ohio, and it’s J.R. A lot of people are on hold. I’m trying to get as much done today as I can, and I appreciate your patience, J.R. How are you?

CALLER: I’m great. Mega 30th anniversary dittos, Rush!

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Of course. So a few weeks ago you had a caller and her question was, “Well, Rush, if all this stuff is fake news, where do you find real news?” You kind of skirted around it for a little bit, but I feel in my heart — and I’m not just saying this ’cause I love you to death. But I feel in my heart you are the real news. I can trust what you say. At the end of the day, I have everything I need to know. I don’t need to watch the nightly news, and I’m done, and then I wake up and start it all over again. (chuckles)

RUSH: Wow.

CALLER: (chuckles)

RUSH: You do not know how much I appreciate that, because in a way, that’s what I’m trying to do here. I’m trying to accomplish a lot here each and every day. But basic information of what I care about and think important, I’m trying to impart to you. I’ve always said that I explain more about liberalism — and more honestly — than they do, because they try to hide it and mask it. So I really appreciate that. You know, the idea that I’m America’s Real Anchorman is not just a turn of phrase to be clever.

I mean, it’s one of the things that we take great pride in here is the content of the program. But I always get the question, “Where do you go?” Folks, there isn’t… It doesn’t exist anymore. There isn’t… Just like there’s no secret to the golf swing that only the pros know. There isn’t a website out there that provides honest, objective, unbiased, just factual news. I must tell you, it’s taken living as many years as I have to be able to determine what I think is real and fake and what’s genuine and not and so forth.

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