Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 19,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jul 19, 2018


“Trump is not supposed to be on offense. He’s supposed to be begging forgiveness. Trump is supposed to be apologizing. He’s not supposed to be attacking Democrats. Oh, it just ticks them off!”

“There’s no individual and there’s no country that can determine who’s gonna win the presidency. Not without having direct access to the infrastructure itself and really cheating. And the Russians can’t do it, and Vladimir Putin can’t do it. So they don’t even try. That’s not the objective. Therefore there is no collusion.”

“In addition to all of the stuff going on that the Democrats are trying to do to paralyze Trump and his presidency and to disqualify it, do you realize, as far as many Americans are concerned, every election going forward is now gonna be tainted, depending on who wins and loses?”

Politico: Trump: ‘I Dream About Biden’ Running In 2020
USAToday: FBI Director Wray Says Putin’s Offer of Joint Probe on Russian Meddling ‘Not High on Our List’
CNN: House Democrats Pick New Slogan Ahead of Midterms: ‘For the People’
National Review: Donald Trump’s Helsinki Meeting with Putin Approved by Many Republican Voters
Axios: Poll: Huge GOP Majority Backs Trump’s Putin Performance
Business Insider: FBI Director Calls China ‘the Broadest, Most Significant’ Threat to the US and Says Its Espionage is Active in All 50 States
AP: After Helsinki, Democrats Struggle Over Trump, the Term ‘Treason’
Daily Wire: Gallup Poll Shows Americans Couldn’t Care Less (Literally) About ‘Situation With Russia’
The Hill: White House ‘Concerned’ that House Bill Doesn’t Cut EPA Funding Enough
Washington Times: House Democrats Bet on ‘For the People’ Slogan to Counter Trump ‘Tweet’ Machine
New York Times: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered
Washington Free Beacon: Liberals Send Female Senate Democrats ‘Pee-Proof’ Underwear to Oppose Trump’s SCOTUS Pick
Washington Post: Time Unveils its Latest Cover: Faces of Trump and Putin Morphed Into One
Daily Wire: Democrats Chicken Out, Vote ‘Present’ On ICE Resolution
CNBC: Trump Lays Into the Federal Reserve, Says He’s ‘Not Thrilled’ About Interest Rate Hikes
Washington Examiner: RNC Raises $213 Million ‘Fastest Ever,’ 99% Small Donors, to Spend $250 Million in 2018
FOXNews: Ari Fleischer Says Trump Should Have Called Out Putin
National Review: The President’s Do-Over – Andrew McCarthy
BBC News: Trump Rejects Proposal for Russia to Interrogate US Citizens


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: