Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Safe?

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 5,2018

RUSH: Since the 1980s, a large medical association based in Chicago has held many of its annual conventions in San Francisco. San Francisco won’t reveal the name of the group, but I bet you can figure it out.

Typically, the medical convention draws about 15,000 people and pumps 40 million dollars into the local economy. But this year, the San Francisco convention bureau didn’t hear anything from the doctors’ group about re-upping the deal.

So, San Francisco sent a delegation to Chicago to find out what the problem was. Boy, did they got an earful.

The delegation was told the doctor’s group is pulling out.

They’re afraid to walk the streets. Open drug use is rampant in the city. So is threatening behavior from criminals and the mentally ill, who are everywhere. At the last convention, one of the medical association’s board members was assaulted near the convention center.

Wait a minute. A doctor’s group no longer feels safe visiting San Francisco? How can that be? After all, San Francisco is a proud sanctuary city. Everybody should feel safe, right? You know what the real reason is why they don’t want to go? It’s all those piles of human feces that you need a map to avoid.

If you’re a doctor, why would you want to mess with that?

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