Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 20,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jun 20, 2018


“Folks, I’m just gonna say it here. If the media keeps this up — if they keep up generating this hysteria — somebody’s gonna get killed. I think we’re pretty close to somebody getting killed already, and I’m not being hyperbolic, and I’m not trying to call attention to myself. I’m genuinely worried about the out-of-control aspect of this.”

“Donald Trump’s popularity is increasing. His approval numbers are increasing. Overall satisfaction in the country is rising. In fact, if you dig deep into this latest Gallup survey, you find that all across the board in this country people are looking up, and they’re optimistic. It’s rooted to economics.”

“One of the laziest political arguments you can make is to compare somebody to Hitler or something in this country to Nazi Germany.”

“Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump has created a mob of political monsters who gather on Twitter to spew insane hatred — and this is bleeding over to people even in the establishment.”

Daily Caller: Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Investor’s Business Daily: Anyone Notice That Trump Is Now Tied With ‘Popular’ Obama On Job Approval?
CNSNews: Schumer: ‘There’s No Need’ for Immigration Legislation; Republicans Are ‘Feeling the Heat’
CNBC: Millennials Moving Out of Mom and Dad’s Place, Study Shows
FOXNews: Peter Fonda Tweets He Wants to ‘Rip Barron Trump from His Mother’ and Put Him in a ‘Cage with Pedophiles’
The Hill: Peter Fonda Calls for Protests Against ICE Agents’ Families
Daily Wire: Democratic Socialists Attack DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen At Dinner
TCPalm: Stuart Man Charged with Threatening Rep. Brian Mast’s Children Over Trump Policy
Daily Caller: Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped
NewsBusters: Press Found UAC Trafficking in Jan. 2016, Did No White House Follow-up
AP: President Donald Trump, GOP Leaders Strain for Migrant-Kids Solution
CBS Los Angeles: Border Patrol Official: Young Girls Illegally Entering US Given Birth Control, Plan B
NBC: Trump Says He’ll Sign Order Stopping His Policy of Separating Families at Border
CNN: Trump Supporters React to Family Separations
The Hill: Schumer Rejects GOP Proposal to Address Border Crisis
The Federalist: Democrat Bill Would Let Parents Who Commit Fed Crimes Go Scot-Free
FOXNews: IG Confirms He is Reviewing Whether Strzok’s Anti-Trump Bias Impacted Launch of Russia Probe
National Review: Clinton Emails: What the IG Report Refuses to Admit – Andrew C. McCarthy
FOXNews: ‘Clinton Cash’ Author Reacts to IG Report on Email Probe
FOXNews: FBI May Have Modified Witness Reports, Misled DOJ Watchdog with ‘False Information,’ GOP Rep Says
Washington Times: Three Airlines Want No Part of Enforcing Trump’s Family Separation Policy


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: