Breathy Lady: Send a Message to the Swamp

by Rush Limbaugh - May 30,2018

RUSH: Here’s Louise in Memphis. Louise, great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Thank you so much for taking my call, Rush.

RUSH: Wow. Do you have a really breathy voice.

CALLER: Oh. Okay.

RUSH: Wow.

CALLER: I’m older than you, so, hey.

RUSH: At my age, that doesn’t matter anymore.

CALLER: (laughing) I think I’ve been seeing that some. I just wanted to let you know, you say many profound things, but about two weeks ago I believe it was Monday before you were gonna be leaving town you had really started talking so wonderfully, explaining to us all this mass stuff that’s boiling here, there, and everywhere. And at the very end, the profound thing you said to me, anyway, was — I think it was kind of like, “Listen, folks. This is designed to tell you, don’t you ever do this again. Don’t ever go out and vote for a Donald Trump again or anybody like him. Don’t take our government away from us,” is what I was kind of thinking, because it’s like a coup that’s going on.

RUSH: Right. And not only that, it was aimed at Trump and others, don’t you try to do what Trump’s done. If you try to do what Trump’s done, we’ll ruin you, just like we’re trying to ruin Trump. No, you heard me exactly right.

CALLER: Yes. Okay. And I just wanted to say that we’re gonna have to work so much harder this time than we thought. If we thought 2016 was hard, you gotta get up and you’re gonna have to do more than that. And I just wanted to encourage all of my fellow Americans and yours to please remember what is at stake here. And the only thing that we have to correct this is our vote. And if we don’t vote so overwhelmingly in that November election and even after that, this country is in big, big trouble.

RUSH: You know, you sound more persuasive even than Thomas Friedman on MSNBC begging the Democrats

CALLER: When I heard that this morning from you, I just thought I have to call.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: We need to send a message to them, Rush, don’t you ever do this to us anymore.

RUSH: I like it. I like this being on offense and not being intimidated. Way to go. Thank you, Louise.

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