Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - May 10,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

May 10, 2018


“We got back three hostages. We didn’t have to send any pallets worth of money in the middle of the night or give up three top North Korean terrorists. No wonder the media’s so upset about this, because everywhere you look Obama is being made to look a fool!”

“These are now turning into spitballs against battleships, these pathetic little media attempts to dent and stop Trump. It’s becoming laughably pathetic.”

“My friends, you’re listening to the Mac Daddy of them all. That’s me.”

“I actually think that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is one of the best press secretaries this country has had in many, many years. I think this woman is so utterly competent for and qualified at what she’s doing.”

Daily Wire: Trump Greets American Detainees Freed From North Korea
NewsBusters: ABC Dilutes North Korean Hostage Victory, Whining About the Iran Deal
CBS: U.S. officials planning for Trump-Kim Jong Un Summit to Happen in Singapore
FOXNews: New York Times Slams AWOL Pompeo, Then Learns He Was Rescuing Americans
CNN Poll: Democrats’ 2018 Advantage is Nearly Gone
HotAir: McCain to Senate: Don’t Let Haspel Run the CIA
AFP: Israel in Major Raids on ‘Iran’ Targets in Syria After Rocket Fire
UKDM: Trump Announces Capture of ‘Most Wanted’ ISIS Terrorists Who Were Lured from Syria to Iraq with Mobile Phone App – Including Top Aide to ‘Caliphate’ Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
The Hill: Who is Paying Michael Avenatti?
New York Post: Feds Probing How Stormy Lawyer Got Cohen’s Banking Info
Washington Post: Nunes Sought All Documents on Person Described as Longtime Intelligence Source
Wall Street Journal: The Justice Hall of Mirrors. The Latest Intel Leak is Designed to Block a House Subpoena
Newsweek: Drudge Turns on Trump Over Fears His Threats Could Lead to ‘Licensing of All Reporters’
National Review: Majority of Americans Sees Russia Investigation as Politically Motivated
FOXNews: Monica Lewinsky gets an apology after Town & Country uninvited her from event after Bill Clinton agreed to attend
FOXNews: ‘Unbelievably Harrowing’: Guilfoyle Reveals 5th Accuser of NY Dem Schneiderman
New York Times: Eric Schneiderman Falls. Trump Allies Gloat. Democrats Seethe.
Vanity Fair: “It’s All Turned into One Big Mess”: Are Millennial Women Tuning Out the Russia Investigation?
Breitbart: CNN’s May Ratings Already Collapsing by 20-Plus Percent
National Review: State Department: Iran Deal Is Not ‘Legally Binding’ and Iran Didn’t Sign It – Joel Gehrke


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: