Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Betrayal

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 9,2018

RUSH: There’s a guy who writes columns for the San Francisco Chronicle, he’s really mad. His name is Joe Mathews. Over the weekend, he accused Orange County, California of “betraying” its residents.

He complains that Orange County supervisors “voted to oppose state sanctuary laws, thus aligning themselves with President Trump,” which is very bad if you’re a California leftist.

Mathews says that Trump has targeted California in a campaign of lies and mass deportation of the county’s own immigrant families.

Mathews then blames Orange County for abandoning a plan that would house hundreds of homeless people in temporary shelters in Huntington Beach, Laguna Niguel, and Irvine after protests. People in those cities do not want the homeless or illegal immigrants in shelters there.

He says, “Protecting its own immigrants and providing housing for its own people should not be a heavy lift for a wealthy county with 3.2 million people.” That’s what he’s really mad at. Orange County is wealthy and they want to go their own way.

What Mr. Mathews and his fellow leftists don’t want to grasp is Orange County officials did exactly what they were elected to do: uphold the law and represent the values of their community.

Like it or not, Mr. Mathews, people who live in communities you call “wealthy” are just entitled to representation by those they elect as you are.

You know who has long been betrayed when it comes to illegal immigration? The voters of Orange County! And they finally had enough and they’re standing up against the state, and it’s about damn time.

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