Media Unhappy with Justice Stevens

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 28,2018

RUSH: Just a couple of things here.  Washington Post op-ed: “One-in-Five Americans Wants the Second Amendment to Be Repealed.”  It’s a bit of a jolt to read the op-ed by John Paul Stevens where he says repeal it because 20% of the people want it repealed.  But then there’s a companion story in The Daily Caller: “Left-leaning members of the media who are worried about upcoming elections want retired Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens to” shut up.  See? It’s exactly as I told you.  The headline here: “Democrats Don’t Want to Rile up Gun Owners,” meaning some Democrats want to continue to lie about their objective.

When John Paul Stevens came out with his op-ed suggesting we get rid of the Second Amendment, they instinctively stood up and applauded it.  Then some said, “Wait, wait, wait! We gotta back off.  We can’t show them our hand on this.”  So “[l]eft-leaning members of the media…” Not left-leaning members of the Democrat Party, “[l]eft-leaning members of the media who are worried about upcoming elections want retired Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens to” [shut up about] repealing the Second Amendment.”

But, as they say: The cat’s out of the bag.

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