Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Brazen or Funny?

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 20,2018

RUSH: Okay, a bunch of liberal groups — including the ACLU — are accusing ICE of targeting “immigration activists,” not just illegal immigrants, because in over 20 cases, ICE arrested or fined the “immigration activists.” They complain that the agency only found out about them because of their activism.

Now, one of the offended activists tells NPR, “We’re always at the marches and giving interviews, without fear of what could happen” to us! He says that ICE “going against” activists “is a way to intimidate the community.”

Some groups are now suing ICE, claiming to be victims of this targeting.

ICE says (paraphrased), “No, we’re not ‘targeting activists.’ We’ve targeting everybody who violates immigration law — and they’re subject to arrest and deportation.”

So let’s summarize: Individuals enter America illegally. They form groups, joining with others who entered America illegally, and then they decide to go public. They go on TV, radio — have their names splashed all over the Drive-By Media — to advocate that others who broke the law get away with it. And finally, when ICE shows up to arrest them, they start whining and moaning to the media that they’re being targeted.

Not only do they want sympathy, they want to cash in with a lawsuit against the Americans who enforce our laws.

If it weren’t so brazenly asinine, it would almost be funny. But when it comes to arresting activists, I’m all for it. Put them all in jail and shut them up, ’cause frankly, I’m tired of hearing about them.

I don’t even care what they’re activists about.

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