Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“A campaign in politics is like a rock tour in music. There are groupies and there are hangers-on, and the band doesn’t know 90% of ’em. They trust the unit managers and all that to keep the creeps and the groupies away.”
“Are there no adults left anywhere in the media? I’m being serious. Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, the legends that our present Drive-By Media seek to someday be, the people they respect, the people they emulate, these guys would never put somebody obviously drunk and inebriated on six different shows — well, maybe a Kennedy.”
“Nunberg left the Trump campaign in 2015. Well, that’s when Trump announced. Trump announced on June 16th of 2015, and this guy was gone not long after. The guy doesn’t know anything.”
“Sam Nunberg actually fleeced and maneuvered America’s Drive-By Media. The entire media industry basically self-immolated. They set themselves on fire simply because some guy that nobody ever heard of came along and claimed that he knew or thought that Trump had colluded with Russia.”
• MRCTV: CNN Went to Bangkok To Interview a Jailed Hooker Who Says She’s Got Proof Trump Colluded With Russia
• NewsBusters: Nets Go Gaga for Wild Nunberg Speculation About Trump Collusion
• PJMedia: Trump Aide Unravels in Wild Whirlwind Media Tour: ‘I Hate the Guy’
• The Hill: Ex-Trump aide insults aides, makes wild claims in series of bizarre interviews
• Breitbart: CNN’s Burnett to Nunberg: ‘I Have Smelled Alcohol on Your Breath’
• Mediaite: Axios Co-Founders: Sam Nunberg Interviews Are Why ‘America Hates the Media’
• Washington Examiner: Australian Diplomat Who Gave FBI Tip on Trump Aide Helped Arrange Large Donation to Clinton Foundation: Report
• HotAir: Australian Diplomat Who Gave FBI Tip on Trump Aide Helped Arrange Large Donation to Clinton Foundation: Report
• Daily Caller: Devin Nunes: ‘We Know Exactly Who Was Getting Information From The Russians. It Was The Hillary Clinton Campaign’
• FoxNews: Nunes: New Yorker Piece ‘More Evidence How Dirty Trump Dossier Is’
• NewsBusters: TV vs. Trump in 2018: Lots of Russia, and 91% Negative Coverage (Again!)
• National Review: Law-School Students Shout Down ‘Known Fascist’ Christina Hoff Sommers
• Wall Street Journal: Why an Honors Student Wants to Skip College and Go to Trade School
• FoxNews: Kellyanne Conway Violated Hatch Act on Two Occasions, Federal Agency Determines
• IBD: Flippy The Burger-Flipping Robot Just Destroyed The Case For Minimum-Wage Hikes
• LifeZette: Congress Wasn’t Told of Clinton Foundation Ties to FBI’s Australian Informant
• New Yorker: Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier – Jane Mayer
• The Hill: Cruz ‘Absolutely’ Concerned About Higher Dem Turnout in Texas
• FOXNews: Texas Holds First 2018 Primary Amid Surge of Democratic Voters
• Daily Caller: How A Pathetic Republican Party Is Allowing ‘The Resistance’ To Run The Score — And The Government
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: