The Phony NRA Boycott Backfires

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 28,2018

RUSH: I told you yesterday it was gonna happen. I told you, I made a big deal about it too. I didn’t say it quietly. I didn’t whisper it. I didn’t say it so that it wouldn’t be noticed. I shouted it and I proclaimed it out there, and now it’s happening. “Companies Cutting Ties With NRA See Their Public Opinion Plunge.”

I predicted this yesterday. These companies overreact to the Drive-By Media and these fake boycott campaigns ginned up by the left that are largely driven by bots and not real people, and they fall for it because they think they are reacting to a majority of public opinion, but they’re not. “A new poll reveals that some companies that decided to sever their business relationship with the National Rifle Association after the Parkland, Florida, shooting have plunged in their approval from the public.”

Now, granted, it’s a public opinion poll. It’s not really sales data yet. But this is just the first phase. Conversely, I mentioned that companies like FedEx, which do not buckle, are going to increase their business manifold times. It’s gonna be almost a geometric expansion in appreciation for having a spine.

“The Morning Consult survey,” which is a serious polling company, “was conducted February 23-25; it found that among Democrats, approval mildly surged for the companies, but among Republicans, approval hurtled downward. MetLife Inc., which cut its discount for NRA members last week, saw its unfavorable rating double from 12% to 24%, with its favorability rating unchanged; Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s unfavorability rating also doubled, from 12% to 25%; Alamo Rent A Car’s more than doubled, from 10% to 24%, and National Car Rental’s also skyrocketed from 11% to 25%.”

The latest, I don’t know if you know this. There’s an NRA TV channel, and it is available on Apple TV. So now Apple is being hit up. They’re not being hit up. People are being urged to boycott Apple. Now, you talk about spitballs against the battleship. It’ll be inconsequential.

Now, I’m going through the Stack. I do the show prep, and I have my Stacks of Stuff. Folks, I’m telling you here today, two weeks in, the stack of gun control news, everything related to the Parkland shooting and offshoots on gun control. I have more gun control articles here than anything else that I’ve got. And that includes some holdovers from yesterday that have nothing to do with gun control that I didn’t get to. And it’s not even close.

And what this shows is just how determined the Drive-Bys are to advance their agenda, the anti-gun agenda, pro-gun control agenda trying to keep trying to take advantage of this story and just blindly proceeding without any sense of proportion whatsoever. I mean, they’re putting everything on the table. And I think it’s because they think this is the perfect situation. They think they’ve got this one. They’re gonna cause great damage to the NRA this time, and they’re not gonna stop.


RUSH:  I want to give a shout out to Roku, the streaming company Roku. R-o-k-u.  Many of you use them.  They issued a statement that they will not be dropping NRATV from their lineup.  Way to go, Roku! Apple TV is also under pressure for this.

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