Is It Okay to Burn Down Your City After Your Team Wins?

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 5,2018

RUSH: Say, folks, a quick question. Is it okay to tear down your city, is it okay to blow up your city, is it okay to set your city on fire when your sports team wins or loses? Even when they win, is it okay to do that, but it’s not okay to burn down your town if you have a civil rights complaint? That’s a question that Black Lives Matter leaders are asking today. They say, “You guys climb all over us for doing this when all we want is our freedom, and when the sports fans rip down the city, nobody seems to care much.”

Greetings, my friends. Welcome.

They may make a point, but what are we supposed to do, say, “Okay, you can tear down your city for whatever reason now, it’s fine with us”? Is that the answer?

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