Apple Announcement Validates Trump Tax Cut

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 17,2018

RUSH: A bit of news that’s guaranteed to distress, disappoint, and anger some in the tech journalism community. Apple has announced this afternoon they’re going to invest $350 billion in the United States economy over the next five years. They say that this will create 20,000 new jobs and a brand-new campus, thanks in part to tax reform.

Now, I’m here to tell you that the minute this story hit, that several Millenial tech journalists began to panic and feel despondent. To be betrayed like this by Apple. Tim Cook ought to be telling Donald Trump every day where to take it. They hate Trump. They don’t believe tax reform. They think net neutrality needs to be brought back. They think global warming is destroying the planet before they become 65. And here is Apple essentially validating what all of their journalists say is impossible.

Remember we played the montage audio yesterday of all of these media experts saying it simply never happens, there’s no history, there’s no example. A corporation getting a big tax cut never passes any of that on to its employees. And yet nearly 200 companies have, with Apple being the latest with $350 billion injected into the U.S. economy, $350 billion that would otherwise go to the United States government as tax revenue.

They will create 20,000 new jobs and build a brand-new campus. Don’t know where. Some of this might be Wisconsin. Well, some of it has to be because there’s been preliminary discussions on creating a factory with some Apple products being manufactured there.

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