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RUSH: This week the Supreme Court heard a case that could have a major impact on future elections. At issue is the way Ohio purges their voter rolls to keep them current.

Here’s how it works. If voters fail to show up for a federal election in Ohio, they’re mailed a confirmation notice checking to see if they’re still interested in voting. If they don’t return the notice, and if they don’t vote over the next four years, Ohio removes them from state voting rolls. Officials say that the program helps them keep track of which citizens have moved away or died.

Now, it sounds reasonable, except of course to liberals. They claim Ohio’s voter maintenance program is evidence of voter suppression, so a lefty civil rights front group is asking the Supremes to overturn it.

Now, there’s no way to predict the outcome of any Supreme Court case, but the left is worried. During oral arguments, Justice Stephen Breyer – who usually sides with the liberal side of the court – appeared sympathetic to Ohio’s use of the confirmation letters.

Regardless of the outcome, we all know what’s behind the Democrats’ fight against cleaning up the voter rolls.

They want dead voters on the rolls. They want out-of-state voters on the rolls. In some states, they need dead voters on the rolls. It’s not about voter suppression, it’s about election protection. This is their insurance policy that they’re trying to protect.

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