Trump’s Take: The Media Loved My Meeting!

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 10,2018

RUSH: Let’s get the president’s take on what he did yesterday. We have that. The president’s cabinet meeting shortly after the program began, and there was the media for the first five minutes of it before they were eventually kicked out, but before they were kicked out, the Trumpster spoke about what happened yesterday.

THE PRESIDENT: It was a tremendous meeting. Actually, it was reported as incredibly good, and my performance, some of them called it a performance, I consider it work. But got great reviews by everybody other than two networks, who were phenomenal for about two hours. Then after that they were called by their bosses, “Oh, wait a minute.”

And, unfortunately, a lot of those anchors sent us letters saying that was one of the greatest meetings they’ve ever witnessed. And they were great, for about two hours they were phenomenal, and then they went a little bit south on us. But not that bad. It was fine. They probably wished they didn’t send us those letters of congratulations. But it was good. I’m sure their ratings were fantastic. They always are. Which is why I think the media will ultimately support Trump in the end because they’re gonna say if Trump doesn’t win in three years, they’re all out of business.

RUSH: Well, there you have it! It was the greatest meeting ever, there’s never been a greater meeting, and the media loved it so much they sent him congratulation letters. “Congratulations, Mr. President, this is what we expected, this is what we hoped for, this is what we wanted to see from you.” Media people sent him congratulation letters and they were praising him for two hours.

And then their bosses couldn’t take any more and made ’em start ripping Trump, but that’s okay. That’s okay. They were phenomenal for two hours and then they went a little bit south. Now they’re probably regretting that they sent Trump the congratulation letters but that’s okay, ’cause all that matters is the ratings were fantastic and the media learned again that they can’t keep their ratings and keep the interest without Trump, which means, “Screw you, Oprah, in 2020.”


RUSH: No, no. I intended to get your phone calls in in the first hour, but then we got the Trump sound bite on his take on his meeting yesterday. Congratulation letters from people at two networks. I wonder if one of them was Jim Acosta? Who sent these, I wonder? I’d like to know who sent the two congratulation emails to Trump on a great meeting, attaboy, way to go, we knew you could do it.


RUSH: Folks, let me play it again, and you analyze it yourself. This is just moments ago before a cabinet meeting, before the press was kicked out, and it’s the president reviewing his immigration meeting yesterday, most of which was televised.

THE PRESIDENT: It was a tremendous meeting. Actually it was reported as incredibly good, and my performance, some of them called it a performance, I consider it work. But got great reviews by everybody other than two networks, who were phenomenal for about two hours. Then after that they were called by their bosses, “Oh, wait a minute.”

And unfortunately a lot of those anchors sent us letters saying that was one of the greatest meetings they’ve ever witnessed. And they were great, for about two hours they were phenomenal, and then they went a little bit south on us. But not that bad. It was fine. They probably wished they didn’t send us those letters of congratulations. But it was good. I’m sure their ratings were fantastic. They always are. Which is why I think the media will ultimately support Trump in the end because they’re gonna say if Trump doesn’t win in three years, they’re all out of business.

RUSH: Okay. There’s Trump talking about his meeting yesterday. Now, the rest of us talking about it are down deep in the weeds of the policy. And we’re analyzing what Diane Feinstein said. We’re analyzing what Trump said and didn’t say. We’re analyzing how Trump behaved and how Trump reacted. We’re analyzing the Republicans. We’re down there in the weeds, folks. We’re examining this. And what’s Trump’s take? Well, it was a performance. Mission accomplished. Got some congratulatory letters. What do you think that’s about?

I can tell you, if those letters were actually sent, you know what it was? I will guarantee you that if those letters were sent, it was an applause for opening the meeting to cameras and a request to keep doing it. And they might have, in order to secure that, they might have praised Trump. “You’re the best president ever. We knew you had it in you. You should keep doing this.” But the letters were primarily — I’m surmising here. I, of course, don’t know because I’m no closer to the White House than where I am here in Florida. But I’m just guessing, if those Drive-Bys sent those letters, it’s a request to keep doing this, with some flattery thrown in.

But Trump correctly noted that after about two hours the Drive-Bys started going south on him, because they realized what had happened. See, they can’t help but analyze Trump — and most everybody else did, too, except for me — they analyzed Trump within their universe. Every day they plug Trump into the way the establishment works, the way Washington works, the way things happen. And you can’t do that.

So Trump’s review of the meeting yesterday was how much the media loved it. He didn’t say a word about immigration or the future or DACA or any of that. He didn’t say what anybody would expect him to say. “Well, it was a good start. I think we laid some good groundwork. They know where I’m coming from. I heard what they want to do, and we got a great bit to move forward from.”

None of that. “It was great. The ratings are no doubt through the roof. They sent me congratulatory notes, and they know they need Trump.” So, given all that, I still ask you what’s your take. Your calls are coming up. There’s one more Trump bite here following that little bit that we just played. He continued.

THE PRESIDENT: We agreed to pursue four major areas yesterday of reform: securing our border, including, of course, the wall, which has always been included. Never changed. Ending chain migration, canceling the visa lottery and addressing the status of the DACA population. We want to see something happen with DACA.

RUSH: Folks, I have to tell you that you ask anybody else in that meeting yesterday, and none of that was agreed to. In fact, I have looked at some of the critics, both left and right, of Trump. And they’re mad that he appeared to cave on the call. They’re mad that he didn’t say anything about chain migration in the meeting yesterday. They’re mad that he didn’t say anything about the visa lottery.

And yet here’s Trump’s review: “We agreed to pursue four major areas of reform: the wall, and that’s never changed, ending chain migration, canceling the visa lottery, and addressing –” you go ask Dianne Feinstein if she thought any of that happened yesterday, and I guarantee you she’s gonna say, “I don’t know. I was illegally releasing some testimony.” Well, I don’t remember hearing any of that.

And if you go ask Dick Durbin, you go ask Steny Hoyer, “What? We didn’t agree to chain migration. We didn’t agree to the wall. We didn’t agree to the visa bill. What is he talking about?” This is why my take on this, I think, is unassailably correct.

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