Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Showdown Time

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 9,2018

RUSH: With the Drive-By Media consumed by Michael Wolff’s book there hasn’t been a whole lot of attention being paid to the coming immigration showdown. And so the White House decided on a brilliant maneuver yesterday.

For the first time in my lifetime — I can never remember seeing this — a full-fledged meeting on a serious piece of legislation was conducted by the president in one of the cabinet rooms in the White House. Democrats were there. Steny Hoyer on his left and Dick Durbin on his right. Democrat and Republican leaders from both branches, the House and the Senate, and there was the president in total command. And he was open to everybody’s ideas.

He was convivial. He was cooperative.  He was eager.  He was happy. He was informed. He was on top of the immigration issue. He knew exactly what was being discussed. It was somebody totally unlike the Donald Trump portrayed in this stupid asinine book by this lying caterwauling so-called journalist called Michael Wolff.

This was a president in total command, enjoying it, and nowhere near needing to be thrown out of office via the 25th Amendment or any other reason. When the Democrats realize how they were roped in and trapped into making him look this good, there’s going to be hell to pay.

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