Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

• AP: African-American unemployment rate falls to 17-year low
• The Daily Signal: Fewer Blacks, Hispanics Go Jobless Under Trump
• CNN: Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump
• American Spectator by Professor Angelo Codevilla. It was called America’s Ruling Class — and the Perils of Revolution
• NRO: Jennifer Rubin Is Everything She Hates about Trump Worshippers
• CNN: Nikki Haley: The U.S. is ‘taking names’ on Jerusalem resolution
• CBS: President Trump Meets with Cabinet
• Bloomberg: Trump Promises ‘Giant Tax Cut’ and Money in Pockets by February
• AP: It’s a done deal: Congress wraps up massive tax package
• MSN: Savannah Guthrie to Paul Ryan: ‘Are you living in a fantasy world?’
• Washington Examiner: 80 percent of taxpayers would get tax cuts next year under GOP bill, think tank says
• NPR: Senate Approves Landmark Tax Overhaul, Bill Returns to House
• San Antonio Express: Democrats challenge Cruz’s home-school provision
“Democrats don’t care about the little guy. What the Democrats do is harmful to their voters and the little guy.”
Things I meant to get to at some point, but there’s never enough time.
“I may have to move the Trump speech bites ’til Thursday. I intended to lead off with the Trump bites today, but of course the tax cut news hit. I had to lead off with that. I had to be responsible.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: