Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Economic Civil War
RUSH: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, son of Mario the Pious, is an angry man. Why is Andrew so mad? Because a liberal subsidy is going away.
RUSH: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, son of Mario the Pious, is an angry man. Why is Andrew so mad? Because a liberal subsidy is going away.
RUSH: We got a picture today of Kathryn's Aunt Sue in Ohio wearing one as a medallion, like an Olympic medal, 'cause it comes with that red ribbon, and she's got it around her neck wearing it like an Olympic medal. I mean, it's big enough.
RUSH: Now, you might think that this bill's so unpopular, the Drive-Bys have driven up opposition to this tax cut, the Drive-Bys have driven up opposition to people keeping more of their money. Stop and think about that. Nearly half the country is objecting to keeping more of their own money.
RUSH: No previous president has been targeted for destruction by what we call the "deep state," the administrative, unelected bureaucracy of this country — staffed by career leftists, socialists, liberals, you name it — working in consort with simpaticos at the Drive-By Media. There isn't a single president in our lifetimes you could name who could have withstood and overcome and triumphed on so much against this kind of opposition, and some are now begrudgingly beginning to recognize it and acknowledge it.
RUSH: This gets as close to bringing Churchill to life as anything that I have seen, including John Lithgow in The Crown. This is an entirely different portrayal.
RUSH: The Drive-Bys are claiming that the Wall Street Journal piece shows that what Strzok was texting about wasn't so bad after all. They claim he wasn't talking about stopping Trump from winning. No, he was just talking about if Trump wins, we're gonna have to really investigate this clown afterwards. Come on. How stupid do they think we are?
RUSH: Do you think any NFL owner is gonna stand up and say, "We don't want people like that in our league," like they did with me? You think any of 'em are gonna do that? No. Most of them are gonna fall all over themselves in public talking about how much they love Diddy, they love hanging with Diddy, love Diddying with Diddy, they love going to Jay Z's sports bar with Diddy, they love Diddy's music, they love Diddy's halftime show, they love Diddy. They love Diddy so much they might give him a team.
RUSH: There's no such thing as a tax loophole. There are tax provisions. There are tax laws. When you start throwing around the term "tax loophole," you're trying to make people think that people are escaping the tax code, that they're finding a way around the tax code, that they're able to break the law! That's not what tax "loopholes" are.
RUSH: What it boils down to is that people remain intimidated by liberals, and it's understandable. Liberals destroy property. Liberals get in your face. Liberals are bullies.
RUSH: Hold it a second! Hold it a second! Wait a second! What did he say there?
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.