Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Winter in Paris

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 14,2017

RUSH: In Paris this week, leaders from 50 countries took part at the big global climate summit. President Trump was not invited. The Washington Post reports the summit ended up being “all about Trump” anyway. Everything always is.

To prevent other leaders from following Trump out of the Paris Accords the summit offered a billion-dollar investment — it’s a bribe — so that they’ll stop using oil and coal.

That’s good news for American consumers. If other countries reduce oil and coal usage, we’ll have access to more of it and at cheaper prices.

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim announced they’ll stop financing oil and gas deals in two years. He got a rousing ovation. But again, that’s good news for us. Less competition means more oil and gas deals can be financed right here in the good old USA.

Now, a few insignificant figures from our country did show up in Paris. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Bloomberg, and professional nobody John F’n Kerry attended. Their message: the world will move to cleaner fuels even if Trump will not pitch in. Good news! We won’t be hampered by fake green energy BS so we’ll continue to run rings around the world.

Also, the French president awarded multi-million-dollar grants to 18 climate scientists, most of them from America, to relocate to France for the rest of the Trump administration.

That’s not good news. That is awesome news. Where do I send a donation for the airplane tickets?


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