Happy Birthday, Doc!

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 11,2017

RUSH: Hey, folks, how are you? Great to have you here.

First off today, happy birthday to my brother, David. He turns 11 today. No, no. This is the 11th. (laughing)

It’s his birthday, 65 today. And he doesn’t look a day over, I’m telling you, 40.

So happy birthday, Dave, nickname Doc.


RUSH: I gave him a brand-new iPhone X, my brother, for his birthday about two/three weeks ago so I wouldn’t forget it.  I love it.  I love them. These things are just… They’re awesome.  They do require a lot of follow-up instructions and so forth, ’cause they’re totally different to operate, but that’s not a problemo whatso ’cause I love that stuff.

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