
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that. And there’s a Fox News poll that has Roy Moore down 10 in the election tomorrow. And of course the Drive-Bys are harping all over that one. It’s Fox News, Fox News, Fox News loves Roy Moore, they think. They are what they accuse Fox News of being. The Drive-Bys are, in what they do, what they accuse Fox of being. Partisan, agenda-driven.

Anyway, if you look at the Fox News poll, there’s a strange thing in it. Donald Trump won Alabama by plus 28. Do you know what the Republican sample was versus the Democrat sample in this Fox poll? Plus two. Alabama is a red state. There are many, many, many more Republicans than there are Democrats, and yet in the Fox News poll, only 2% more Republicans were part of the sample. Well, voters, likely voters, but I don’t care. Voters or likely voters, if you’ve got a state where it’s, let’s just say, 20% more Republicans than Democrats, how do you do a poll with only 2% more Republicans? I have no idea. Actually I do.

I’m just getting tired of saying the same thing. The media lies. I’m just getting tired of it. Can’t trust the media. I’ve known this for many, many moons. Frank Luntz, we’ve got the sound bite, Frank Luntz did a — you know, he’s establishment pollster and focus grouper and whatever he does, and he assembled a focus group of people in Alabama. He couldn’t find a single person to say a bad thing about Roy Moore. He was shocked. He was flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe it.

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