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RUSH: Al Green is a Democrat congressman from Texas and he finally got what he wanted: an impeachment vote in the House.

It went down in flames. The final vote was 364 to 58 against. But, according to The Hill, the losing side got an unexpectedly high number of Democrats to go along with this exercise in futility.

Most of the Democrat leadership voted to table the impeachment resolution. But 126 other Democrats – obviously more grounded in reality – voted with Republicans to defeat it.

Before the vote, Nancy Pelosi and her left-hand man Steny Hoyer urged their side to abandon the foolishness and stop pushing for impeachment. But enough defectors voted with Al Green to embarrass the party.

So now what? The lopsided vote probably will not deter Green and his buddies. Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn voted with Green, as did Louisiana Representative Cedric Richmond, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucasians. That support may well embolden Green and his pitiful band of progressives to keep up this fight.

But the vote did accomplish one thing. It put Democrats on the record. The inflamed, out-of-control, Trump-hating Democrat base will zero in on every single Democrat who did not go along with the impeachment effort and raise hell with them.

And that is a gift to Republicans that they otherwise wouldn’t have had. So, thanks, Al. It’s a good job overall. Keep it up.

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