Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Who Failed What?
RUSH: The Post complains the tax bill will hurt Democrat states more than Republican states. They don’t say why, so I will.
RUSH: The Post complains the tax bill will hurt Democrat states more than Republican states. They don’t say why, so I will.
RUSH: Brian Ross, once again, crapped the bed on Friday with an absolute BS story that he had to know was BS. And we opened the program on Friday calling him out, urging everybody not to panic over what Brian Ross was reporting, because you can't trust it.
RUSH: Should this number of Puerto Ricans moving to Florida impact congressional elections, say, in the midterms, well, then, if you have the Democrats after the 2018 midterms running the House, then impeachment becomes a much more relevant thing.
RUSH: A political mob is conducting a silent coup out to impeach Trump. It's a political process. It's not a criminal process. This is a political process. It requires votes, not indictments. It requires votes, not guilty pleas.
CALLER: I believe that Trump and Mueller are working together to weed out the FBI. I think this Flynn thing is simply a ruse.
CALLER: You know, I'm 67 years of age, I'm a Washingtonian, Washington, D.C. I'm a Black Guy for America. I want to tell you something. Thank you for inviting me on board your show. I find the information that you have given me and your insight to be very informative. You know, I've been voting ever since I come out of high school. I've always voted with blind loyalty.
RUSH: I did not and never have and never will want America to fail. Never. No way.
RUSH: You know, the best thing I can do for you? I'm gonna answer your question here, but I'm gonna make you a complimentary subscriber to my website, Rush 24/7. I tell you what else I'm gonna do. I'm gonna throw in an iPad Pro for you so you can read on the iPad Pro.
RUSH: I came out of nowhere, and here these are studied network professionals who've been to all the right schools and so forth. And it just grates on them. Of course, they don't sell advertising at NPR. They exist totally on people giving them money. We have to earn it here. So there's a bit of a difference.
RUSH: The ornament is now an item that is for sale at the EIB Store. They’re hand forged, they are handmade by an American company in Pennsylvania, and they’re just gorgeous.
RUSH: What do you think McConnell's doing a 180 on that for?
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.