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RUSH: Folks, there is a fascinating piece today in a story from ESPN The Magazine about the latest owners meetings, where the players met with the owners to discuss the future going forward, what to do about anthem protests. This piece, if it’s true — and there’s a caveat for that because it’s the media, A; B, it’s ESPN. So if it is true, this story portrays the owners as the least powerful people in the room, that Goodell and the liberal left-wing executives of the NFL were telling everybody what’s gonna be, what’s gonna happen, what is.

They wouldn’t even let Jerry Jones in one of the meetings ’cause they didn’t want him to put forward the proposition that players will be benched if they don’t stand for the anthem. They didn’t even want to deal with it. Jerry Jones tends to run the NFL meetings among the owners. They didn’t want to let him in there. It’s a really eye-opening piece, and it just… Folks, it illustrates to a T, this league doesn’t get it!

They do not. They’re run by a bunch of left-wing execs, many of whom have never been in football before. They come from marketing and retailing. There are some women in ranking positions of marketing and so forth in the NFL. The PR department is all former Obama and Clinton. (chuckling) It’s not surprising to me. What’s surprising to me is it got written.

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