Illegals Jump Fence During PMSNBC Segment on Trump’s Wall

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 24,2017

RUSH: Did you see what happened to PMSNBC Snerdley? They took a film crew out to the great Southwest, and they wanted to do a piece on border security and how it’s fine and Trump’s over the top on this.

They went out to do a piece on the prototypes. You know, Trump’s got a bunch of prototype walls that are being built — different colors, different styles, different architectural designs — from which the wall will be chosen, and the wall will get built. There’s no doubt in my mind: The wall will get built. So while MSNBC’s out there trashing the whole premise (laughing), their cameras catch a bunch of illegals jumping the existing wall (laughing) and you can hear them saying, “Whoa! What is that? What — what — what just happened?” Well, a couple of illegals just jumped the fence out there.

MSNBC got it on tape while they’re out there.

This is kind of like Algore showing up for a global warming meeting and it snows a blizzard.

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