Rush Revere Sparks Love of History in 12-Year-Old

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 13,2017

RUSH: This is Sydney in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12 years old. Hi, Sydney, and welcome to the program today.

CALLER: Thank you very much. How are you?

RUSH: I’m fine. It’s great to hear from you.

CALLER: Thank you. I’m so excited to be on the show.

RUSH: Well, I can understand. You know, I would be too if I could be on my show. I never get to hear myself do my show like you do because I’m always doing it.

CALLER: (giggling) Yeah, I just wanted to call in and say thank you for writing your history books for the kids. I wasn’t really into history before, but once I read these I just totally got into it, and I just wanted to say thank you.

RUSH: How did you discover them?

CALLER: I was at the library, I was just looking for some books and I saw yours on the shelf, and I’m like, “I gotta get this.” So I got it right away.

RUSH: Wait, which library?

CALLER: It was the (unintelligible) library?

RUSH: Was it a public library or a school library?

CALLER: A public library.

RUSH: No kidding! You found my books at a public library. Were they in the cooking section?

CALLER: No. (giggling)

RUSH: That’s progress. That’s incredible! Well, how many of them have you read, Sydney?

CALLER: I read two. The next one I want to read is The First Patriots but the library hasn’t gotten it in yet so I read two so far.

RUSH: Okay. Have you read Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims?

CALLER: Yes, that’s right.

RUSH: Yeah, that’s the first one in the series. That sets the stage for everything that follows.


RUSH: This is great. You said you did like history some but this really expanded your desire?

CALLER: Yes. Yeah. Yeah, in school I read a few books here and there and I really didn’t think much about it, but once I read these I’m like, “This is perfect.” I want to keep reading them, yeah.

RUSH: That’s just cool. You’re making my day here. So you’ve read two. You can’t find the others in the library.


RUSH: Well, Sydney, if your parents wouldn’t mind — I always get permission when talking to somebody your age. If your parents wouldn’t mind, I would love to send you a full set.

CALLER: Oh, my gosh, that’d be great!

RUSH: And I’ll send you the CDs. I record these books on audio, so, if you get tired of reading now and then, you can pop in a CD and listen to me read it to you. It’s actually quite good.

CALLER: Oh, my gosh, that would be so great! I don’t think my mom and dad would mind at all. They’d say yes right away.

RUSH: Awesome! I need you to stay on the phone.


RUSH: And Mr. Snerdley will get your address, and we’ll put together a whole Revere package for you.

CALLER: Okay. (giggling)

RUSH: We send to people like you, we have a whole package of things that we assemble to accompany the books and the CDs. There’s even a cool stuffed Liberty doll.

CALLER: Really?

RUSH: Yeah, everybody loves Liberty. Everybody’s favorite character is the talking horse, the snarky talking horse. So this is cool. I’m so glad that you got through to tell me this today. And I’m really thrilled that you like them and that they’re worthwhile to you.

CALLER: Yeah. I just wanted to say thank you and everything.

RUSH: Well, you’re more than welcome. And don’t hang up now so that we can get — hey, wait a minute. Sydney, are you still there?


RUSH: Sydney, do you have an iPad?

CALLER: No, I don’t.

RUSH: Well, would you like one?

CALLER: I would love one. (giggling in excitement)

RUSH: Okay. Do you have a preference for size? They come with a 10-and-a-half-inch screen or essentially a 13-inch screen.

CALLER: The 13-inch is fine.

RUSH: 13-inch is fine.


RUSH: Then that’s what you shall have.

CALLER: Awesome.

RUSH: We’ll send it out to you. It will all be there next week. We’ll have that as part of the entire package with the books and everything else, okay?

CALLER: Okay. Thank you so much, Rush.

RUSH: No, Sydney, thank you. You hang on. That’s Sydney in Albuquerque. Mr. Snerdley will speak to Sydney.

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